Brimaxine1510's Blog

Archive for February 2010

We had to do an assignment, where we had to convey the different principles of art by using black squares.

This picture conveys the Bold principle.

We had to do an assignment, where we had to convey the different principles of art by using black squares.

This picture illustrates the Playful principle.

We had to do an assignment, where we had to convey the different principles of art by using black squares.

This picture shows the Congested principle.

We had to do an assignment, where we had to convey the different principles of art by using black squares.

This picture is of the Tension principle.

We had to do an assignment, where we had to convey the different principles of art by using black squares.

This picture shows the increase principle.

We had to do an assignment, where we had to convey the different principles of art by using black squares.

This picture is of the order principle.

Heart At Work (:

We made these posters to advertise the assembly we are going to be having. We are celebrating the grant we got from the Vermont Department of Education, for our new heart rate monitors. I made my poster bright colors to attract attention and it full-fills the assignment of having all the needed information on it. Which is; who, what, when, where, why.

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  • None
  • Ms Wilson: Bri, OK, sounds good- Again, can you take pictures so I can see your progress? Post them here in the blog. Best, Ms Wilson
  • Ms Wilson: Great! Can you take pictures of your progress and post them here in the blog for me to see? Sounds good so far! Best, Ms Wilson PS: "Today, Jun
  • Ms Wilson: Bri, The ragging technique is a good technique to use, and will give you the result you are looking for. I left some "glaze" I believe in the class
