Brimaxine1510's Blog

Archive for May 2010

For my final project, Nicole and I are re-designing Elisa Leigh’s class room. We feel that her room is really hard to concentrate in, because it’s such a dull room. Elisa’s room is meant for studying and getting your work done. The room right now is plain white and the desks are scattered. The only thing set up neatly in the room, are the computers. We have decided to paint the room. We are also going to hang up students art work on the walls and re-arrange the desks. Nicole and I are making a goal to help students studying improve. We think that students would get more work done if the room wasn’t so plain. I know that if I were in that room, I wouldn’t get anything done, because the energy in the room is dull. If the room were to be re-designed, the energy would be more alive. On the back wall, we have decided to paint a mural. We are going to paint black bamboo on the mural, and the background color is going to be light orange moss green. I have bookmarked this picture in delicious. We were thinking about continuing the background of the mural around the entire room, or just painting the walls a different color. Elisa said that she has many students who don’t have anything to do and could help us reach our goal on time by helping us paint the room.

The supplies we are going to need as of right now are; paint, paintbrushes, rollers, drop-clothes and artwork from students. We were thinking about covering the tables with table clothes that have different designs on them, to give the room a nicer look.

This spring, my school put on the play, Once In a Lifetime. I worked on the set for the gold room with Nicole and Emily. Overall, I think the set came out really well. We had a few problems throughout the project, such as running out of paint and almost not having enough time. We had to mix paint to finish, and it came out darker then the other panels. We didn’t let the color difference hold us back though; we just went with it and made it look the best we could. The curtains took time, because we had to make sure they were lined up. We painted them maroon and put a town in the window, to give it the effect of New York City. We forgot to put lights in the windows of the town through the curtain windows, but they still looked really good. Nicole and I created and cut-out stencils to use for the trim at the top of the gold room panels. We made flower-like designs for the trim. They were painted gold and outlined in maroon. We then made a swirl design between each flower. Our background color on the panels was cream colored with gold dry-brush strokes. There was a maroon arch over the entrance-way and pink curtains. This made the room look even more realistic.

I wasn’t able to attend the play, because of other events. From the clip we watched in class, I can tell that the play came out really nice. There were a few minor problems, but overall the play looked really good. The only problems I could see from the video was things that weren’t lined up or in the right place.  There wasn’t really any paint mistakes noticeable.

We are creating the background for the play, “Once In A Lifetime”.  “Once In A Lifetime” is a play about May, George and Jerry who start off in a New York apartment as theater performers. Jerry sells their act, so they can move to Hollywood to help with the Talkies. May comes up with the idea to teach actors and actresses better speech, so they can make money. The three of them get on a train and head to California, on the train they meet Helen, who is a movie reviewer for a local paper. She tells them she can introduce them to a producer. Once they get to Hollywood, they meet the producer and he is excited to work with them and gives them the job. The German director arrives and cannot find a lead actress. George suggests a girl he met on the train; Sarah. Sarah takes the job and George becomes assistant director. George messes up by switching scripts and they all get fired. May heads back to New York alone and reads the review on the movie. She reads that the movie was incredible and heads back to Hollywood to find out that George is a famous producer now. May finds out that Jerry is in love with her. Everyone finds out that George bought 2000 airplanes and they almost get fired, but the producer is too happy with them. The outbid a top company with buying the airplanes. They all live happily ever after.

We each have our own part of the background that we are working on. There are 4 or 5 different rooms that we are creating and a pull-mans cart, for the train. I am working on the Gold Room with Nicole. We are painting ten of the triangle things. We also made stencils for the boarder to make the room look fancy, like in the 1930s.

  • None
  • Ms Wilson: Bri, OK, sounds good- Again, can you take pictures so I can see your progress? Post them here in the blog. Best, Ms Wilson
  • Ms Wilson: Great! Can you take pictures of your progress and post them here in the blog for me to see? Sounds good so far! Best, Ms Wilson PS: "Today, Jun
  • Ms Wilson: Bri, The ragging technique is a good technique to use, and will give you the result you are looking for. I left some "glaze" I believe in the class
