Brimaxine1510's Blog

Final Project (:

Posted on: May 28, 2010

For my final project, Nicole and I are re-designing Elisa Leigh’s class room. We feel that her room is really hard to concentrate in, because it’s such a dull room. Elisa’s room is meant for studying and getting your work done. The room right now is plain white and the desks are scattered. The only thing set up neatly in the room, are the computers. We have decided to paint the room. We are also going to hang up students art work on the walls and re-arrange the desks. Nicole and I are making a goal to help students studying improve. We think that students would get more work done if the room wasn’t so plain. I know that if I were in that room, I wouldn’t get anything done, because the energy in the room is dull. If the room were to be re-designed, the energy would be more alive. On the back wall, we have decided to paint a mural. We are going to paint black bamboo on the mural, and the background color is going to be light orange moss green. I have bookmarked this picture in delicious. We were thinking about continuing the background of the mural around the entire room, or just painting the walls a different color. Elisa said that she has many students who don’t have anything to do and could help us reach our goal on time by helping us paint the room.

The supplies we are going to need as of right now are; paint, paintbrushes, rollers, drop-clothes and artwork from students. We were thinking about covering the tables with table clothes that have different designs on them, to give the room a nicer look.

1 Response to "Final Project (:"

Sounds great! Why did you choose black bamboo? What kind of mood will it create?
Best, Ms Wilson

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  • Ms Wilson: Bri, OK, sounds good- Again, can you take pictures so I can see your progress? Post them here in the blog. Best, Ms Wilson
  • Ms Wilson: Great! Can you take pictures of your progress and post them here in the blog for me to see? Sounds good so far! Best, Ms Wilson PS: "Today, Jun
  • Ms Wilson: Bri, The ragging technique is a good technique to use, and will give you the result you are looking for. I left some "glaze" I believe in the class
