Brimaxine1510's Blog

Archive for June 2010

Today, Nicole and I painted more blue. We painted as much as we could until we ran out of paint. Ms.Wilson is getting us a pint of blue paint tomorrow so we can finish up. Nicole and Hillary are staying after school today to paint the green, I would stay after but I can’t, because I have to work. Cody Palmer is going to help us finish up tomorrow. Nicole is going to start the mural tomorrow and I am going to paint the door yellow. Nicole is also sponging dark blue over the light blue on the back wall where the mural is going to go. If we are not done by Tuesday, Nicole and I are going to paint between our first block final and our fourth block final. Everything is going along smoothly, we are always having new and fun ideas, which is great. Everyday is making this project better and better.

Here are some photos of our progress as of two days ago: (we will take more pictures tomorrow)

Today, Nicole and I started painting the yellow and green parts of the room. One problem we had was the roller wasn’t entirely cleaned out from yesterday. It’s impossible to paint with an unclean roller, because the previous paint and water mixes with the paint you’re using and creates a mixed color and is too watery to paint with. Instead of using the roller today, I painted with a paintbrush. I painted the trim around the area I am painting and a little on the inside. Nicole painted all of her green section with the roller, because her roller was cleaned out fully. Cody Palmer is going to paint the rest of the blue for us during block C. Cameron Spence, from Elisa’s room is also helping us paint the rest of the blue. We feel that we are pretty on time with our painting and will hopefully be done soon. I am planning on finishing the yellow tomorrow and we are going to start the mural. We hope to start painting the second half of the room green soon. We don’t have much left, it’s just a matter of how much time we have and how much help we are going to get.

Today, Nicole and I split the room into two sections. We taped off half the room with zigzag designs. We are planning to paint the back half of the room light blue and the front half green. We also cleaned up parts of the room so it will be easier to paint, because it’s been a cluster of desks and chairs. We will hopefully start with green paint by Wednesday.

Today, June 4th, Nicole and I painted a little more blue. We weren’t able to get a lot done, because we had to paint over everything the study hall kids painted. The wall had white spots, scratch marks and was dirty, so we re-painted a lot of the wall. We have decided to do half the wall blue and the other half green. This way, we won’t run out of paint and we will be finished with the blue on Monday. We were a little behind today in regards to having to re-paint, but we are getting right back on task with everything.

Today, June 3rd, was Mine and Nicole’s first day painting Elisa’s room. We started and finished the blue on the top of the mural and began painting one of the longer walls blue. Three students from Elisa’s room were helping us and continued painting after we left. We are going to hopefully finish up the blue tomorrow and get started with orange on Monday. We only had a few small problems. The drop clothes we found were strips and they weren’t as big as we need them to be, because we almost got paint on the carpet. Another problem was the kids that were helping us weren’t really listening to what we wanted them to do and didn’t put the tape on straight. But, once they understood what they were supposed to do, they did a good job. Nicole and I are going to go in during lunch and see what progress they have made. We are right on time with what we are doing and are sure it will be done on time.

Nicole and I have been researching different bamboo designs and colors. We found the picture of bamboo that we will be creating our design from. The picture is below. We also picked out the colors we will be using for our design. We have chosen orange, light blue and green. A student from Elisa’s room volunteered to make a paper mache bamboo to go in the corner by the mural. We thought this would give the room the affect of real life bamboo.

We researched a little bit about ragging paint techniques. I didn’t really find much when I researched yesterday, but I am going to research some more later on. Some photos of ragging I have found are down below.

  • None
  • Ms Wilson: Bri, OK, sounds good- Again, can you take pictures so I can see your progress? Post them here in the blog. Best, Ms Wilson
  • Ms Wilson: Great! Can you take pictures of your progress and post them here in the blog for me to see? Sounds good so far! Best, Ms Wilson PS: "Today, Jun
  • Ms Wilson: Bri, The ragging technique is a good technique to use, and will give you the result you are looking for. I left some "glaze" I believe in the class
